Kangmin Lee


Object 2.jpg

Artist / Designer

2014 - 2018  Ontario College of Art and Design University (B.Des)

2018 - 2021  University of Toronto (M.Arch) 


University of Toronto John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design // Graduate Student Mentor

University of Toronto John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design // Graduate Teaching Assistant (Building Science II)

Community Healthcare Design Competition (Individual) // Honourable Mention

LEED Green Associate Certified


Beebreeders SkyHive Skyscraper (Team) // Shortlisted


OCAD University 103 GradEx Student Representative

OCAD University 103 GradEx Medal Winner

OCAD University Nora E. Vaughan Award

OCAD University Spoke Membership Prize

OCAD University Joan Burt Architect Award

Student Dwell Toronto Pixel Studio Selected

Volume Zero Marsception (Team) // Honourable Mention



OCAD University Nominated for Donghia Foundation Scholarship

OCAD University Edwin D. Harris Memorial Scholarship

Walt Disney & Design Exchange Mickey Mouse’s Home of the Future, Toronto (Team) // Second Place



Winter Station - The Steam Canoe

Summer Internship HAEAHN Architects Seoul, South Korea